
Scents attached to seasons that lead your senses to some beautiful places. Sometimes turbulent too that stir every ounce of your strength, but sometimes so safe and warm that the love of it glistens at the brim of your eyes. October to me is like an old lover in that regard. The scent of an average October day is something I'd always want to be lost in. To be lost in that smell is similar to be found by someone who knows solitude. It gives me vague memories. There are some untouched ones, some tangled ones like stubborn locks of hair. But the smell of it, lets me run my hand through them. 
There's some rush as you remember it, sweet, stomach turning rush. You remember it like you remember your first kiss .
There's yearning, a strong pull and a deep yearning to know it more. To hold on to every bit of it as much as you can, because within seconds it fades, but you like it, how you love it. You won't give up on it. Because it's like the first time you were aware you were in love and it disappeared but it gets your heart pumping blood so fast when you just think of having that feeling.
 October gets into your nostrils and travels straight to your heart. It confuses grief with love and love with memories. But then what else counts in life? 
Now where it is impermissible to talk in incomplete confused sentence, there is
October that lets your mind wander in these completely hazy memories. It lets you be. 


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