A letter.
Dear you,
It is so good to see that after all the struggle of yours, between fighting and flying, you did manage to take out a moment for me! I don't expect you to fill me in with any information that you consider delightful or significant enough to be shared with everyone else. Since I know, as long as you are cheerful enough to enjoy and strong enough to fight, things will be on the right track! I know you are learning to deal with the problematic circumstances of your life, which you are finding very troublesome and you expect your life to be something else entirely! But when you are living a life, you are not just living a life, you are following a trail, where you confront silent adventures, unexpected joys, innumerable heartbreaks and a pinch of empathy. There are disappointments and despair. But you know, what will be the best thing? HOPE. There will be hope, that will keep you going! And provide you a reason to never stop, no matter what! Even if the world indulges in serious doubts against you, the hope will make you stronger! And my friend, when you will learn to cling even on the vestige of hope, in the hard times, you will discover why life is more than what we think of it as.
Yours, always yours
Soul xx.
It is so good to see that after all the struggle of yours, between fighting and flying, you did manage to take out a moment for me! I don't expect you to fill me in with any information that you consider delightful or significant enough to be shared with everyone else. Since I know, as long as you are cheerful enough to enjoy and strong enough to fight, things will be on the right track! I know you are learning to deal with the problematic circumstances of your life, which you are finding very troublesome and you expect your life to be something else entirely! But when you are living a life, you are not just living a life, you are following a trail, where you confront silent adventures, unexpected joys, innumerable heartbreaks and a pinch of empathy. There are disappointments and despair. But you know, what will be the best thing? HOPE. There will be hope, that will keep you going! And provide you a reason to never stop, no matter what! Even if the world indulges in serious doubts against you, the hope will make you stronger! And my friend, when you will learn to cling even on the vestige of hope, in the hard times, you will discover why life is more than what we think of it as.
Yours, always yours
Soul xx.
Woo nice. Very well jotted 😊👌