Something better than insecurities..

We human beings have a tendency of thinking to an extent that can drive us crazy to a fault. It's not like that our thoughts always comprise of a meaningful and an optimistic language, they comprise of even the shred of drivel as well! Our brain just cannot stop itself from revising how astoundingly we have performed the job of being disgraceful to ourselves! It ignores our demand to feel good. We begin to look up to others, endeavor to be like them, envy them a little but wish to alter our disposition. It becomes difficult for us to stop ourselves from developing a habitual reluctance towards our own self. And slowly in the process, we try to escape ourselves and try to forget who we were and that's an injustice we do to ourselves! We starve ourselves for something that doesn't actually belong to us, ignoring the charm  what we already have!
If one really tries to measure perfection or beauty, it would be impossible because they are incapable of being measured!
Nothing in this world can be perfect. But, there is something very beautiful,very unique in each one of us that should be considered more significant than these agonizing thoughts! The little light that shines within us shouldn't be left to dwindle, as it never lets us down! It's okay to be imperfect but it's not okay to be happy! Life is all about finding your OWN meaning of life, and you should be happy for the trouble!


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